Movies & TvShows By :

Joel Murray

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Big Bang Theory” La polarizzazione di Cooper e Hofstadter 19

19 Episode : La polarizzazione di Cooper e Hofstadter The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization Sheldon ha due inviti per una conferenza di fisica, ma non vuole condividerli con...

“2 broke girls” E le ragazze immagine 511

511 Episode : E le ragazze immagine And the Booth Babes Max e Caroline si propongono come ragazze immagine per entrare gratis in una convention di...

“Mike & Molly” Il quasi matrimonio 521

521 Episode : Il quasi matrimonio Near Death Do Us Part Un incidente sul lavoro spinge Carl a chiedere a Victoria di sposarlo e Mike, entusiasta...

“L’uomo di casa” Rubinetti infuocati 44

44 Episode : Rubinetti infuocati Sinkhole Dopo uno spaventoso incidente in autostrada in cui è scampato per un pelo a una buca gigante, Boyd ha paura...

“Last Man Standing” Sinkhole 44

44 Sinkhole Boyd fears leaving the house after a scary highway incident involving a close call with a sinkhole, and Mike and Ryan disagree about...

“The Big Bang Theory” The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization 19

19 The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization Leonard and Sheldon's friendship is put to the test when Leonard wants to present a paper they co-authored at a physics...

“2 Broke Girls” And the Booth Babes 511

511 And the Booth Babes Max and Caroline sign up to be "Booth Babes" in order to get into a large gaming convention for free....

“Mike & Molly” Near Death Do Us Part 521

521 Near Death Do Us Part An on-duty, near-death experience leaves Carl shaken, which leads to a decision to propose to Victoria. Q&A : Q: Who...

2 filles fauchées S:5 E:11 | Et le rassemblement de geeks

S:5 E:11 And the Booth Babes Max et Caroline concluent un accord afin d'entrer dans une convention de jeux où elles apprennent que l'ami de...

Dharma & Greg | Kitty Dearest (Dutch)

Kitty Dearest Greg is het beu dat zijn moeder hem bij elke liefdadigheidsactie betrekt en wil geen contact meer met haar. Dharma probeert...