Movies & TvShows By :

John David Coles

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Law & Order: Criminal Intent” Gli immortali 911

911 Episode : Gli immortali Lost Children of The Blood Le indagini sulla morte di uno studente porta gli investigatori a scoprire una strana setta i...

“Law & Order: Criminal Intent” Il Male Dentro 516

516 Episode : Il Male Dentro Dramma Giocoso I detective Logan (Chris Noth) e Barek (Annabella Sciorra) devono indagare su un omicidio avvenuto in un teatro,...

“Law & Order: Criminal Intent” Rivoluzione 816

816 Episode : Rivoluzione Revolution Un dirigente di banca viene ucciso durante un apparente tentativo di rapina. mentre indagano faticosamente sul principale sospettato dell'omicidio, Eames e...

“Grey’s Anatomy” Crescere, che fatica… 15

15 Episode : Crescere, che fatica... Shake Your Groove Thing Convinta di aver commesso un errore durante il suo primo intervento a cuore aperto come assistente,...

“Damages” Paura della morte 13

13 Episode : Paura della morte And My Paralyzing Fear of Death A Patty viene recapitata una bomba intimidatoria mentre i legali dello studio sono al...

“Berlin Station” Right Here, Right Now 22

22 Right Here, Right Now Daniel uses Hector to further his mission with Otto Ganz, much to Hector's dismay. Q&A : Q: Who are the main...

“11.22.63” Soldier Boy 17

17 Soldier Boy Lee Harvey Oswald is hired to work at the Texas School Book Depository and tries to get Marina back home. Meanwhile, Sadie...

“Berlin Station” Proof of Life 17

17 Proof of Life Frost tries to secure Clare's release by pursuing traditional negotiation channels. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Berlin...

“Power” This Is Real 13

13 This Is Real The future of the club is jeopardized as the rift between Ghost and Tasha intensifies. Later, Ghost fears that his pursuit...

“Sex and the City” Escape From New York 313

313 Escape From New York Diehard New Yorkers Carrie, Samantha and Miranda find a youthful, smoke-free Los Angeles not to their liking; Charlotte's married woes...