Movies & TvShows By :

John Maybury

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

Rome Egeria 16

1 6 Egeria Presently dwarfed by Pompey's armies, Caesar requests that Antony go along with him in Greece; a hesitant Octavian is asked by his...

Rome Caesarion 18

1 8 Caesarion Caesar chases Pompey all the way to Egypt, and meets the young ruler Ptolemy XIII in Alexandria. Ceasar believes Cleopatra to be...

Rome De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)

De Patre Vostro Final episode! Anthony and Cleopatra flee to Alexandra with Octavian in pursuit..., In the series finale, Antony returns to Alexandria...

Rome Stealing from Saturn

Stealing From Saturn After taking control of Rome, Caesar is the honoured guest at a party given by Atia; a mission by Pompey's...

Rome S:1 E:6 | Egeria

S:1 E:6 Egeria Presently dwarfed by Pompey's armies, Caesar requests that Antony go along with him in Greece; a hesitant Octavian is asked by his...

Rome S:1 E:8 | Caesarion

S:1 E:8 Caesarion Caesar chases Pompey all the way to Egypt, and meets the young ruler Ptolemy XIII in Alexandria. Ceasar believes Cleopatra to be...

Rome S:2 E:10 | De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)

S:2 E:10 De Patre Vostro Final episode! Anthony and Cleopatra flee to Alexandra with Octavian in pursuit..., In the series finale, Antony returns to Alexandria...

Roma Philippi

Vorenus recibe órdenes de ejecución; Bruto y Casio se preparan para enfrentar a los recién aliados Octaviano y Antonio en la batalla...

Roma De Patre Vostro (About Your Father)

En el final de la serie, Antonio regresa a Alejandría después de la Batalla de Actium. Su retirada con Cleopatra se interrumpe...

Roma S:1 E:9 Útica

S:1 E:9 Utica En África, los vencidos Cato y Escipión llegan a la aldea más cercana acompañados solamente por unos pocos soldados y un grupo...