Movies & TvShows By :

Josh Freed

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Juggling Dreams”

Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Juggling Dreams " ? A: The main cast includes Daniel Gauthier,Josh Freed,Miro...

“Life Below Zero: The Thaw” The Intruder 15

15 The Intruder Alaskans travel the Arctic rivers to hunt for fresh food and gather supplies., Heading out into the wild and scouting for areas...

“Life Below Zero: The Thaw” To Catch a King 14

14 To Catch a King Throughout the summer months the Alaskans make use of the flowing rivers to catch fish. Meanwhile, others take the opportunity...

“Life Below Zero: The Thaw” Close Encounter 17

17 Close Encounter With the warm season drawing to a close, Alaskans travel by boat and by foot to stockpile enough resources to sustain them...

“Life Below Zero: The Thaw” The Nightmare 18

18 The Nightmare The Hailstones pull together to build a footbridge. Meanwhile, Jessie goes fishing while looking out for some good spruce trees and Ricko...

“In Search of Sleep: An Insomniac’s Journey”

Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "In Search of Sleep: An Insomniac's Journey " ? A: The main...

Les bons, les méchants et la bicyclette

Le journaliste Josh Freed part à la rencontre des cyclistes torontois afin d'en apprendre davantage sur leur expérience à vélo dans les...

Accro aux données

Ce documentaire soulève la question de l'exposition permanente aux données et de son impact sur notre société.

Sobrevivir bajo cero Volver a la carga

Andy vuelve a su hogar para recoger lo que quedó de él. Mientras tanto, Jessie se apresura a recolectar salmón antes del...