Movies & TvShows By :

Kate Dart

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“How the Universe Works” Extreme Orbits: Clockwork and Creation 25

25 Extreme Orbits - Clockwork and Creation The only reason life on Earth is possible is because of our stable orbit around the sun. Elsewhere...

“How the Universe Works” Our Voyage to the Stars 38

38 Our Voyage To The Stars Potential homes for humans in space are investigated., One day, a cosmic disaster will make life on Earth impossible....

“How the Universe Works” Weapons of Mass Extinction 36

36 Extinction Asteroids strike, planets collide, black holes blast out death rays, and volcanoes erupt. These are the universe's weapons of extinction. They've happened before,...

“How the Universe Works” The Dark Matter Enigma 58

58 The Dark Matter Enigma Dark matter is the biggest mystery of the cosmos. Scientists know that it has been vital to the universe since...

“How the Universe Works” Exoplanets: Planets from Hell 23

23 Exoplanets - Planets From Hell Over the last 20 years, we have discovered an extraordinary zoo of planetary nightmares outside our solar system --...

“The Universe” Edge of Space 311

311 Edge of Space Low orbit is only as high as 120 miles above the Earth and it's where the majority of space exploration has...

“How the Universe Works” Birth of the Earth 28

28 Birth of the Earth How did an apocalyptic planetary collision, millions of cosmic strikes, and a supernova create Earth; and does life exist on...

“How the Universe Works” Volcanoes: The Furnaces of Life 21

21 Volcanoes - The Furnaces Of Life Volcanoes on alien worlds are discussed in the Season 2 premiere., Scientists are discovering volcanoes on worlds we...

“How the Universe Works” Big Bang 11

11 Big Bang How did the universe come into existence out of nothing? Learn how it grew from a miniscule point smaller than an atomic...

“How the Universe Works” Moons 18

18 Alien Moons Moons come in every possible shape and size. It is home to incredible natural phenomena like gigantic geysers and colossal volcanoes., Are...