Movies & TvShows By :

Kevin Macdonald

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“State of play”

Stephen Collins, membro del congresso statunitense, vede compromessa la sua carriera politica a causa dell'omicidio della sua amante. Un gruppo di giornalisti decide...

“22.11.63” La tana del Bianconiglio 11

11 Episode : La tana del Bianconiglio The Rabbit Hole Jake scopre che alterare il passato è più pericoloso di quanto pensava in questa prima puntata...

“L’ultimo Re di Scozia”

Un giovane medico scozzese va in Uganda in cerca di avventura ed entra in contatto per caso con il generale Idi Amin, di...

“State of Play”

The Last King of Scotland director Kevin McDonald teams with screenwriter Matthew Michael Carnahan to direct an American adaptation of the hit British...

“The Last King of Scotland”

Kevin Macdonald's Film4-funded drama stars Oscar and BAFTA-winning Forest Whitaker as Idi Amin, the murderous Ugandan dictator of the late 70s, with James...

“11.22.63” The Rabbit Hole 11

11 The Rabbit Hole Jake discovers that altering the past is more dangerous than he anticipated in the series premiere of a drama about an...

“Touching the Void”

The second movie in tonight's Kevin MacDonald double-bill is his acclaimed, award-winning, box-office-breaking drama documentary that tells the story of two young mountaineers,...


A look at the life and legacy of iconic reggae artist Bob Marley. Biopic., A look at the life and legacy of iconic...

“One Day in September”

In 1972, athletes from around the globe gathered in Munich, Germany for the Olympic Games. However, the Olympic spirit of brotherhood and peaceful...

“How I Live Now”

A New York City teen is stranded in rural England as a world war breaks out, and she searches for her missing cousins...