Movies & TvShows By :

Kurt Dumas

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Family Guy” Peterotica 424

424 Peterotica Peter writes dirty novels and his father-in-law, Carter Pewterschmidt, decides to publish them. But then Carter's sued and loses everything, so he moves...

“American Dad!” Dungeons and Wagons 25

25 Dungeons and Wagons Francine tells Stan she's bored with him, so he takes up drag racing. This provides her with all the excitement she...

“Family Guy” The Courtship of Stewie’s Father 416

416 The Courtship of Stewie's Father When Stewie intensifies his efforts to kill Lois, she thinks he is acting out and orders Peter to spend...

“Family Guy” Breaking Out Is Hard to Do 49

49 Breaking Out Is Hard to Do Lois develops kleptomania, leading to a wild shoplifting spree. She lands in prison, only to be broken out...

American Dad S:2 E:5 | Donjons et ailerons

S:2 E:5 Dungeons and Wagons Hayley décide de rompre avec Jeff. Alors que ce dernier l'espionne, il remarque Steve en train de jouer à un...

Family Guy S:4 E:16 | The Courtship of Stewie’s Father (Danish)

S:4 E:16 The Courtship of Stewie's Father Stewie brygger videre på sin gamle plan om at slå sin mor ihjel. Lois tror, at knægtens voldelige...

Family Guy S:4 E:9 Vankilapaon vaikeus

S:4 E:9 Breaking Out Is Hard to Do Lois luisuu huomaamattaan rikoksen poluille, ja silloinhan ei tunnetusti hyvä heilu. Kuinka perhe kestää äidin tuomion,...

I Griffin S:4 E:9 Evadere sembra facile ma…

Season 4 Episode 9 Episode : Evadere sembra facile ma... Breaking Out Is Hard to Do Lois diventa improvvisamente cleptomane. Joe la scopre e l'arresta, ma...