Movies & TvShows By :

Mark Bunting

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Arrow” Una seconda occasione 511

511 Episode : Una seconda occasione Second chances Talia al Ghul accetta di aiutare Oliver a contrastare Kovar, ma la sua offerta ha un prezzo. Felicity,...

“Arrow” Compagni d’armi 617

617 Episode : Compagni d'armi Brothers in Arms Dinah e alcuni agenti dell'SCPD riescono a prendere Anatoly, ma il capitano Hill e Armand lo fanno liberare....

“Arrow” Brothers in Arms 617

617 Brothers in Arms Oliver and Diggle face their biggest challenge yet. Curtis is disappointed to find out his new boyfriend has a firm anti-vigilante...

“Arrow” Second Chances 511

511 Second chances Talia al Ghul agrees to help Oliver take down Kovar, but her offer comes with a steep price., Talia al Ghul agrees...

Arrow S:5 E 11 Secondes chances

S:5 E 11 Second chances La Team Arrow soumet à Oliver des candidates potentielles pour reprendre le costume de Black Canary. Il les rejette toutes...