Movies & TvShows By :

Mat Whitecross

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond

The early life of Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, is explored. In the opener, Fleming begins work with British naval...

Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond S:1 E:1

S:1 E:1 The early life of Ian Fleming, the creator of James Bond, is explored. In the opener, Fleming begins work with British naval...

Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond S:1 E:2

S:1 E:2 Fleming persuades Godfrey to send him to France to oversee the destruction of secret files at one of their bureaus, but unexpected...

Oasis: Supersonic (Dutch)

In de jaren negentig kende het succes van de Britse band Oasis een ware climax. De documentaire begint met de legendarische concerten...

Fleming, el hombre detrás de James Bond S:1 E:1

S:1 E:1 Londres, 1938. Ian Fleming conoce a Ann O'neill, una rival para él. Fleming consigue un puesto en el Departamento de Inteligencia Naval....

Fleming, el hombre detrás de James Bond S:1 E:2

S:1 E:2 Ann invita a Fleming al cumpleaños de Esmond. Mientras, Francia está a punto de sucumbir ante el poderío nazi y Fleming pide...