Movies & TvShows By :

Matt Engstrom

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Shimmer and Shine”

Shimmer e Shine devono creare un arcobaleno. Però pasticciano con le pozioni magiche. Una cimice dello starnuto semina il panico tra i genietti....

“Shimmer and Shine” Maialini…in coperta

What a Pig Mess Alla festa del quartiere Leah vorrebbe preparare dei rustici chiamati "Maialini in coperta" ma non ha in casa gli ingredienti. Q&A...

“Shimmer and Shine” La casetta sull’albero 14

14 Episode : La casetta sull'albero Genie Treehouse Leah e Zac vorrebbero costruire una casetta sull'albero ma l'impresa si rivela più complicata del previsto. Q&A : Q:...

“Shimmer and Shine” Benvenuti alle cascate Zahramì 21

21 Episode : Benvenuti alle cascate Zahramì Welcome to Zahramay Falls Shimmer e Shine mostrano a Leah la "gemma esplosione di verde" che la Principessa Samira...

“The Cleveland Show” Brown Knight 116

116 Brown Knight Cleveland makes big news, then gets a big head, when he's injured while being robbed. Meanwhile, Rallo thinks Roberta is dying of...

“Shimmer and Shine” Samira and Zeta; The Zeta Touch

Samira and Zeta; The Zeta Touch Samira tells the girls the story of how she and Zeta first met, and how they were once...

“Shimmer and Shine” Zadazzler Dizzaster; Hotdog Havoc

Zadazzler Dizzaster; Hotdog Havoc When Zac opens a hotdog stand in Zahramay Falls, Zeta tries using the hotdogs to make her most powerful potion...

“Shimmer and Shine” Rainbow Zahramay 35

35 Rainbow Zahramay The girls go to a new world called Rainbow Zahramay, where they meet a Waterfall Genie who can help them bring balance...

“Shimmer and Shine”

Shimmer and Shine are two genies who share a close bond with each other. The make friends with Leah, a human and decide...

“Monsters vs. Aliens” The Two Faces of Dr. Cockroach; The Thing With One Brain

The Two Faces of Dr. Cockroach; The Thing With One Brain Dr. Cockroach's new invention splits him into two, and the monsters try to...