Movies & TvShows By :

Mike Matthews

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals” White Fish Tangine and Spicy Cajun Chicken 131

131 White Fish Tagine and Spicy Cajun Chicken White fish tagine is prepared, along with carrots, mint and clementine salad. Also: spicy Cajun chicken with...

“Save With Jamie” Salmon 13

13 Salmon The average price of the recipes in this episode is just £1.55 per portion. Jamie Oliver cooks up a glorious mothership roast side...

“Save With Jamie” Lamb 15

15 Roast Lamb The average price of the recipes in this episode is just £1.96 per portion. Jamie cooks up a roast shoulder of lamb...

Save With Jamie Chicken

Roast Chicken Jamie prepares a roast chicken and uses the leftovers to make stew with dumplings. Later: he mixes vegetables with a cauliflower-and-broccoli-cheese...

Unhappy Birthday

David Paisley and Jill Riddiford star in this thriller about a destination birthday party that becomes the stuff of nightmares when a...

Save With Jamie S:1 E:4 | Chicken

S:1 E:4 Roast Chicken Jamie prepares a roast chicken and uses the leftovers to make stew with dumplings. Later: he mixes vegetables with a cauliflower-and-broccoli-cheese...

Unhappy Birthday

David Paisley and Jill Riddiford star in this thriller about a destination birthday party that becomes the stuff of nightmares when a...

Jamie Olivers mad på 15 minutter S:1 E:33 | Chorizo and Squid, and Simple Spaghetti (Danish)

S:1 E:33 Chorizo and Squid, and Simple Spaghetti Dagens opskrifter lyder på spansk chorizo og blæksprutte, couscoussalat i græsk stil og bagefter: simpel spaghetti, tomat,...

Jamie Olivers mad på 15 minutter S:1 E:29 | Glazed Pork Fillet and Tapas Bruschetta (Danish)

S:1 E:29 Glazed Pork Fillet and Tapas Bruschetta I dag fremtryller Jamie glaseret svinefilet, ris i cajun-stil med peber og BBQ-sauce, og bagefter tapas brushetta...

Jamie Oliver skærer ind til benet S:1 E:2 | Roast Shoulder of Pork (Danish)

S:1 E:2 Roast Shoulder of Pork Jamie laver flæskesteg med alt, hvad dertil hører, og laver resterne om til dim sum og farsbrød med spaghetti...