White Fish Tagine and Spicy Cajun Chicken
White fish tagine is prepared, along with carrots, mint and clementine salad. Also: spicy Cajun chicken with...
Roast Chicken
Jamie prepares a roast chicken and uses the leftovers to make stew with dumplings. Later: he mixes vegetables with a cauliflower-and-broccoli-cheese...
S:1 E:4
Roast Chicken
Jamie prepares a roast chicken and uses the leftovers to make stew with dumplings. Later: he mixes vegetables with a cauliflower-and-broccoli-cheese...
S:1 E:33
Chorizo and Squid, and Simple Spaghetti
Dagens opskrifter lyder på spansk chorizo og blæksprutte, couscoussalat i græsk stil og bagefter: simpel spaghetti, tomat,...
S:1 E:29
Glazed Pork Fillet and Tapas Bruschetta
I dag fremtryller Jamie glaseret svinefilet, ris i cajun-stil med peber og BBQ-sauce, og bagefter tapas brushetta...