Movies & TvShows By :

Mike Slee

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Megacostruzioni” Il tunnel della Malesia 42

42 Episode : Il tunnel della Malesia Mega Tunnel Per far fronte alle devastanti inondazioni a Kuala Lumpur, il governo è alle prese con un progetto...

“Megacostruzioni” Blockbuster Bridge 43

43 Episode : Blockbuster Bridge Blockbuster Bridge Scopriamo l'Incheon Grand Bridge nella Corea del Sud, una complessa costruzione formata da tre diversi ponti che collegheranno l'aeroporto...

“Megacostruzioni” La ferrovia più lunga del mondo

Con i suoi 350 km, la nuova ferrovia indiana attraverserà la catena dell'Himalaya ma dovrà far fronte a molti problemi, tra cui terremoti...

“Megastructures” Dubai’s Dream Palace 422

422 Dubai's Dream Palace Dubai's Dream Palace: With its oil reserves dwindling, Dubai switched its sights to 21st-century tourists, building the Burj al Arab, an...

“Megastructures” EcoARK 612

612 Ecoark Largely constructed from recycled plastic bottles, Taiwan's nine-story EcoARK Pavilion sets a new benchmark in green engineering., The EcoARK pavilion is hailed as...

“Build It Bigger” Super Stadium 11

11 Super Stadium Examining the construction of the University of Phoenix Stadium, a venue built for the Arizona Cardinals that has a retractable roof and...

“Meerkat Manor”

An extended family group of meerkats are observed in Africa's Kalahari desert as they forage for food, battle rival groups and avoid predators.,...

“Megastructures” China’s Smart Tower 64

64 China's Smart Tower Charting the construction of China's Pearl River Tower, one of the world's greenest skyscrapers., The Pearl River Tower is one of...

“Richard Hammond’s Engineering Connections” Space Shuttle 35

35 Space Shuttle Richard Hammond reveals the surprising engineering connections to NASA's space shuttle, the world's first reusable space craft., Richard Hammond reveals the engineering...

“Extreme Engineering” Venice Flood Gates 22

22 Venice Flood Gates Find out what measures are required of Venetians as experts attempt to keep the world's most beautiful city from going underwater.,...