Movies & TvShows By :

Olexa Hewryk

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“WordWorld” Runaway O; Happy Birthday, Dog! 11

11 Runaway O; Happy Birthday, Dog When Sheep and Bear lose one of Cat's Os, they try to find it before he wakes. Also: Dog's...

“WordWorld” Pl-Pl-Plane; Mail Mix-Up 114

114 While on his way to the beach with the Bug Band, Frog misplaces the letters "pl" and scours the jungle for them. Also:...

“WordWorld” Shark’s First Day of School; Shark’s First Loose Tooth 27

27 Shark's petrified about the first day of school, but with the help of his friends and their teacher, Cat, he overcomes his fear....

“WordWorld” My Fuzzy Valentine; Love Bug 21

21 In the Season 2 opener, Bug wants to sign a valentine to a friend, but he doesn't know how. With help from Frog,...

“WordWorld” Race to the Spaceship; Sandbox Surprise 35

35 Robot scales a mountain and builds a spaceship with Frog's help; chaos ensues after Duck and Dog discover compound words (like sandbox) and...

“WordWorld” Sh-Sh-Shark!; Dog Wants to Play Ball 15

15 Sh-Sh-Shark; Dog Wants To Play Ball Duck learns about the sound S and H make when placed together when he makes a new friend,...

“WordWorld” There’s an Ant in Every Giant; Chef Sheep 12

12 There's Ant In Every Giant Tired of being so tiny, Ant adds a G and an I to his name to become "Giant" before...

“WordWorld” Kite Flight; Hide and Seek 32

32 Frog's oversize kite carries him away; the WordFriends play a game of hide-and-seek that finds them hiding behind WordThings that end in "ake." Q&A...

“WordWorld” Play Ball; M Is for Map 122

122 The gang teaches Robot how to play baseball; Sheep and Bear become lost in the jungle. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast...

“WordWorld” A String’s the Thing; J-J-Jelly 31

31 In the Season 3 opener, the WordFriends scramble to find the right "ing" word after Duck accidentally turns on Frog's new cake-frosting machine....