Best Movies/Series to Watch Today

Movies & TvShows By :

Oliver Schmitz

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Kebab for Breakfast” Accidenti abbiamo flirtato! 111

111 Episode : Accidenti abbiamo flirtato! Die, in der mich der Wolf kriegt Axel, per aver campo libero con Lena, cerca di accendere l'amore fra Cem...

“Kebab for Breakfast” Non so se sono pronta! 19

19 Episode : Non so se sono pronta! Die, in der Axel ständig grün ist Axel compra per sé e per Lena due anelli che cambiano...

“Paris je t’aime”

Twenty acclaimed filmmakers from around the world look at love in the City of Lights in this omnibus feature. Paris, Je T'Aime features...

“Life, Above All”

A 12-year-old South African girl named Chanda does her best to hold her family together, despite the fact that her stepfather is an...

“Turkish for Beginners” The One in Which I Have No Feelings 18

18 Die, in der ich keine Gefühle habe Lena tries to figure out how to deal with Axel's love declaration. Q&A : Q: Who are the...

“Turkish for Beginners” The One Where Women Are the Weaker Sex

Lena can't break up with Axel so Cem offers to have an affair with her. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members...

“Turkish for Beginners” The One With Sex and Pistols

Cem takes extraordinary measures to expose Axel's lie. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Turkish for Beginners "The One With...

“Turkish for Beginners” The One With a Farewell Kiss

Axel does his best to thwart Cem and Lena's secret affair. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Turkish for Beginners...

“Turkish for Beginners” The One in Which I Find No Friends 14

14 Die, in der ich keine Freunde finde Lena doesn't want to go to her new school and Yagmur struggles to observe Ramadan. Q&A : Q:...

“Turkish for Beginners” The One in Which Secrets Are Revealed 16

16 Die, mit den Geheimnissen ena tries to figure out why she's jealous of Axel; and Yagmur punishes herself for inadvertantly eating pork. Q&A : Q:...