Play It Again, Luke
Luke must protect a former girl friend---now a singer---from her manager, who wants to collect on her life-insurance policy. Tom...
The Fortune Tellers
Having long since replaced his wife Lulu's savings bonds with phonies, Boss Hogg (Sorrell Booke) panics when Lulu (Peggy Rea) decides...
The Hazzard Connection
Bo and Luke join a demolition derby that's fronting for the smuggling racket they're suspected of operating. Augie: John Quade. Bo:...
Shine of Hazzard Moon
Boss Hogg (Sorrell Booke) stoops even lower than usual to get his hands on Jesse's secret moonshine recipe. Hiring disreputable...
Double Dukes
Hogg masterminds the robbery of an armored truck, using crooks disguised as Bo and Luke. Sorrell Booke, John Schneider, Tom Wopat. Rosco:...
Along Came A Duke
Boss Hogg (Sorrell Booke) transforms Stonewall Jackson Day into a huge, elaborate celebration for Hazzard County. Of course, Boss is...