Movies & TvShows By :

Paul Dini

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Superman” I migliori del mondo (2ª parte) 217

217 Episode : I migliori del mondo (2ª parte) World's Finest, Part II Joker rapisce Lois per tendere una trappola a Superman. Fortunatamente l'intervento di Batman...

“Superman” Ossessione 34

34 Episode : Ossessione Obsession Innamorato di una modella di nome Darcy, fino a diventarne ossessionato, Toyman è disposto a tutto pur di conquistarla, perfino a...

“Superman” I migliori del mondo (3ª parte) 218

218 Episode : I migliori del mondo (3ª parte) World's Finest, Part III L'infatuazione di Lois per Bruce Wayne va in frantumi quando la ragazza scopre...

“Superman” I migliori del mondo (1ª parte) 216

216 Episode : I migliori del mondo (1ª parte) World's Finest, Part I Joker ruba una statua di kryptonite e stipula un patto con Luthor per...

“Batman: The Animated Series” Showdown 213

213 Showdown Ra's Al Ghul (David Warner) tells Batman about his attempt, in the 1800s, to take over the U.S. Government, and how bounty hunter...

“Superman: The Animated Series” World’s Finest, Part I 216

216 World's Finest, Part I Part 1 of three. Batman heads to Metropolis as the Joker and Lex Luthor plot to kill Superman with a...

“Batman: The Animated Series” Catwalk 29

29 Catwalk Catwoman partners with the Ventriloquist and Scarface, not realising that Scarface is setting her up to take the fall for a robbery., Catwoman...

“Superman: The Animated Series” World’s Finest, Part II 217

217 World's Finest, Part II Part 2 of 3. Lois Lane becomes involved with Bruce Wayne. Later, she is kidnapped by the Joker as part...

“Superman: The Animated Series” World’s Finest, Part III 218

218 World's Finest, Part III Conclusion. Lois Lane discovers that Bruce Wayne is Batman; Lex Luthor wants to sever his ties with the Joker. Q&A :...

“Batman: The Animated Series” Be a Clown 19

19 Be a Clown The mayor's young son is impressed by the Joker when the villain crashes a birthday party used by the boy's father...