Movies & TvShows By :

Pavel Pavlikovskiy

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“The Woman in the Fifth”

Pawel Pawlikowski's brooding mystery stars Ethan Hawke as a lonely writer who falls for a mysterious and possibly dangerous woman. Tom Ricks, estranged...

“My Summer of Love”

Two young women find love under difficult circumstances in this distinctive drama. Mona (Natalie Press) is a 16-year-old girl living in a small...

Kvinden fra femte (Danish)

Den amerikanske forfatter Tom Ricks kommer til Paris, hvor han håber at genoptage forbindelsen med sin kone og datter og bringe sit...

Die geheimnisvolle Fremde

Der US-Schriftsteller Tom Ricks zieht nach Paris, um sein Leben wieder in den Griff zu bekommen und die Beziehung zu seiner Frau...

Die geheimnisvolle Fremde

2011 Mystery & Suspense,Suspense/Thriller,Adaptation,Drama

Last Resort

A powerful love story set against the bleak backdrop of an English seaside town. A desperate asylum seeker turns to the manager of the...