Movies & TvShows By :

Philip Lott

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Il tesoro dell’astronauta” Verso l’obiettivo 16

16 Episode : Verso l'obiettivo Moving Target Lottando nelle pericolose acque dell'oceano, Darrell e la sua squadra puntano su diversi obiettivi, ma una decisione mette a...

“Il tesoro dell’astronauta” La mappa del tesoro 11

11 Episode : La mappa del tesoro The Treasure Map From Space Il cacciatore di tesori Darrell Miklos parte alla ricerca dei relitti che erano stati...

“Il tesoro dell’astronauta” Silenzio mortale 12

12 Episode : Silenzio mortale Dead Silence Darrell Miklos tenta di indagare sul passato di Gordon Cooper. La vedova nasconde molti segreti, ma mancano ancora dei...

“Il tesoro dell’astronauta” Il tesoro di Colombo 17

17 Episode : Il tesoro di Colombo The Columbus Treasure Darrell e la sua squadra fanno una sorprendente scoperta. Il gruppo mette a punto un'elaborata missione...

“Cooper’s Treasure” Into the Storm 27

27 Into the Storm A dangerous storm threatens to shut down the operation just as Darrell and team discover gold ore in the remains of...

“Banged Up Abroad” Heroin Sting 65

65 Mauritius: Heroin Sting, Heroin Sting A man offered Brigene Young a free trip to Mauritius providing she wore a special pair of shoes. Caught...

“Cooper’s Treasure” Moving Target 15

15 Moving Target Darrell follows the Columbus trail and dives past the limits of his gear into extreme danger; and a huge discovery changes everything.,...

“Banged Up Abroad” Teenage Drug Smuggler 69

69 Colombia: Teenage Drug Smuggler, Teenage Drug Smuggler Vivian Carrasquillo faced a crash diet in jail after an attempt to raise funds for gastric bypass...

“Cooper’s Treasure” Striking Gold 28

28 Striking Gold The team finds ornate artefacts that indicate the location of a 16th century captain's quarters., The team finds ornate artifacts that indicate...

“Cooper’s Treasure” Treasure and Tragedy 24

24 Treasure and Tragedy An unexpected tragedy occurs, throwing an entire expedition off course, leaving Darrell and his team scrambling to recover. Q&A : Q: Who...