How Hitler's Bodyguard Worked
How Hitler survived over 40 attempts on his life. Street fighters, thugs and political cronies formed the basis for Hitler's...
Hitler's Dangerous Train Journeys
The Führer-Sonderzug, Hitler's armoured train and mobile headquarters, is discussed., The Führer-Sonderzug, Hitler's armored train and mobile headquarters, is discussed.,...
The Night of the Long Knives
Political executions of SA officers are discussed., Compelling series about the dedicated men who protected the German dictator....
Early Attempts on Hitler's Life
Au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale, en Allemagne, les vétérans, divisés entre les communistes et les partisans...
How Hitler's Bodyguard Worked
Hitler a besoin d'une protection armée dès la création du parti national-socialiste, en 1920. C'est ainsi qu'est constituée un...