The History Channel documentary series MonsterQuest charted the exploits of those intrepid souls dedicated to "Crypotozoology", or the study of mysterious creatures. Using...
Space Travel
A history of space travel examines the technology needed; the dangers that are faced; and the development and discussion of future technology...
Mars: The Red Planet
Via a meticulously-selected combination of outer space footage, state-of-the-art CG graphics and informed scientific discussion, the History Channel documentary series...
Flying Monsters
The team travels to Papau New Guinea to investigate reports of a flying creature with a 20-ft. wingspan; and theories that suggest...
Omens of Doom
A study of what ancestors deduced from certain astronomical events and the historical impact of their conclusions.
Q&A :
Q: Who are...
Mysteries of the Moon
Mysteries regarding the moon and common myths are explored. Included: lunar transient phenomena; and the effect of the moon on...