Movies & TvShows By :

Richard Goleszowski

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Shaun, vita da pecora” Take Away

Take Away Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Shaun, vita da pecora "Take Away ? A: The main cast...

“Shaun, vita da pecora” La piccola pecora degli orrori

Little Sheep of Horrors Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Shaun, vita da pecora "La piccola pecora degli orrori ...

“Shaun, vita da pecora” L’orsacchiotto di Timmy 14

14 Episode : L'orsacchiotto di Timmy Timmy in a Tizzy Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Shaun, vita da pecora "L'orsacchiotto di...

“Shaun, vita da pecora” Caccia alle api

Buzz Off Bees Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Shaun, vita da pecora "Caccia alle api ? A: The...

“Shaun, vita da pecora” Attrazione da frisbee

Fetching Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Shaun, vita da pecora "Attrazione da frisbee ? A: The main cast...

“Shaun, vita da pecora” L’aquilone

The Kite Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast members in "Shaun, vita da pecora "L'aquilone ? A: The main cast includes...

“Shaun the Sheep” If You Can’t Stand the Heat 129

129 If You Can't Stand the Heat The sheep scheme to get the farmer out of his swimming pool on a hot summer day so...

Shaun le mouton S:1 E:25 | Shaun le fermier

S:1 E:25 Shaun the Farmer Shaun, un mouton malicieux vit dans une ferme en compagnie de ses amis ovins nettement moins malins que lui, mais...

Shaun, das Schaf | Summen der Bienen

Buzz Off Bees Mission impossible für Bitzer: Heute gibt es kein warmes Wasser, doch der Hund soll die völlig verdreckten Schafe waschen. Ein...

Shaun, das Schaf | Die Nichte des Farmers

The Farmer's Niece Der Farmer ist entzückt über den Besuch seiner Lieblingsnichte und legt sich mächtig mit Tortebacken ins Zeug. Sobald er dem...