Episode : Sensi di colpa
The Three Tools of Death
Padre Brown, personaggio creato da G.K. Chesterston, è un prete della Chiesa Romana Cattolica che...
Web with Four Spiders
An American lawyer of international standing has to choose between his ideals and his reputation., McGill (Richard Bradford) comes to...
Sweet Sue
McGill (Richard Bradford) takes on a tricky assignment involving a wayward heiress and a murderous racketeer. Sue: Judy Geeson. Colin: Peter Blythe....
Find the Lady
In Rome, McGill (Richard Bradford) seeks missing gems---and the woman who stole them. Giulio: Maxwell Shaw. Mori: John Garrie. Francesca: Jeanne...
The Happy Suicide
Friendly TV idol Ziggy Zaglan (John Bluthal) turns brutally nasty: his brother plans to expose him to his fans. Templar: Roger...
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The Persistent Parasites
A millionaire gives a house party and invites his three ex-wives, courtly Simon Templar---and a madly overeager murderer. Roger Moore....