Movies & TvShows By :

Roy Campanella II

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“The Company We Keep”

The overworked president of a struggling music label strives to balance her hectic career and her flat-lining love life., A 28 year old...

“Wiseguy” Postcard from Morocco 210

210 Postcard from Morocco When David Sternberg is killed in a showdown with Pinzolo (Stanley Tucci), David's father Eli (Jerry Lewis) offers his life savings...

“Baywatch” Air Buchannon 55

55 Air Buchannon Hobie (Jeremy Jackson) goes up against a pair of hang gliders, while Mitch and Stephanie (David Hasselhoff, Alexandra Paul) try to put...

“Quiet Victory: The Charlie Wedemeyer Story”

This is the true story of Los Gatos (California) high school football coach Charlie Wedemeyer (Michael Nouri). At 31, onetime football pro Wedemeyer...

Knight Rider S:3 E:20 | Knight in Retreat

S:3 E:20 Knight in Retreat Michael poses as a space-weapon scientist to gain access to a club operated by a woman dealing in blackmail and...

Alerte à Malibu S:5 E:5 | Sa première surprise partie

S:5 E:5 Air Buchannon Mitch et Stéphanie font équipe pendant vingt-quatre heures. Ce long tête-à-tête leur permet de découvrir les tendres sentiments qu'ils éprouvent l'un...

Supercar S:3 E:20 La clinica della scienza

Season 3 Episode 20 Episode : La clinica della scienza Knight in Retreat Bonnie viene a sapere che un suo caro amico, brillante scienziato, è morto...

Un detective in corsia S:2 E:3 Donne nei guai

Season 2 Episode 3 Episode : Donne nei guai Woman Trouble Il dottor Sloan indaga sulla morte di unsuo paziente, Robert Stanton, facoltoso uomo d'affari. I...

Beverly Hills, 90210 Donna & David

Als Kelly erfährt, dass ein Surfer in Dylans bevorzugtem Surfgebiet verunglückt ist, macht sie sich riesige Sorgen. Sie muss ich sich eingestehen, dass sie...