Movies & TvShows By :

Sam Wood

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

Hollywood Party

Hollywood Party was planned as a lavish, star-studded MGM musical titled Hollywood Revue of 1933. Under the less-than-sterling guidance of "kicked upstairs"...

The Pride of the Yankees

The biography of baseball immortal Lou Gehrig (1903-41) is a real-life American success saga about a poor boy from New York City...

Goodbye, Mr. Chips

Classic Oscar-nominated film of James Hilton's celebrated novel about the long life of an English public school teacher played by Oscar-winner Robert...

A Day at the Races

The Marx brothers come to the rescue to save a small town sanitarium from a ruthless businessman by entering a horse race-betting...

Hold Your Man

There's nothing wrong with Hold Your Man that a little editing wouldn't cure. Clark Gable plays a raffish young petty crook who...

Halløj i operaen (Danish)

I Milano arbejder Groucho durkdrevent på at føre den rige Mrs. Claypool ind i det højere selskabsliv. Bestræbelserne fører til en stor...

Pour qui sonne le glas

Pendant la guerre civile en Espagne, Robert Jordan, un aventurier américain, rejoint les rangs des républicains. Sa prochaine mission : faire sauter...

Kitty Foyle

A tender love story in which Oscar-winning Ginger Rogers plays the eponymous Philadelphia working girl, who promises to wed her sweetheart, a doctor, but...

Lord Jeff

Director Sam Wood always seemed most comfortable with cozy family-oriented films like Lord Jeff. Freddie Bartholomew plays Geoffrey Braemer, a basically good kid who...


Based on a film screenplay entitled "Battlement de Coeur," the all-star cast make this lighthearted farce good entertainment. Ginger Rogers is by far the...