Movies & TvShows By :

Scott Printz

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Private Practice” Una mossa avventata 417

417 Episode : Una mossa avventata A Step Too Far Durante la festa per la pubblicazione del libro di Violet, Sheldon fa un incontro interessante. Nel...

“Private Practice” Sto bene 69

69 Episode : Sto bene I'm Fine Durante un momento molto buio della sua vita Sheldon riesce a trovare un po' di felicità da una donna...

“Private Practice” Ho bisogno di tempo 511

511 Episode : Ho bisogno di tempo The Standing Eight Count Pete, Viole, Sam e Addison reagiscono al loro nuovo stato di single in modi diversi:...

“Private Practice” The Standing Eight Count 511

511 The Standing Eight Count Pete, Violet, Sam and Addison adjust to their new, singles lives in different ways., Pete, Violet, Sam and Addison adjust...

“How to Get Away With Murder” The Day Before He Died 414

414 The Day Before He Died Annalise helps the "Keating 4" concoct a plan to prepare for another round of questioning after detectives get a...

Private Practice I’m Fine 69

6 9 I'm Fine As a new woman brings Sheldon happiness, he also becomes more suspicious about a patient's involvement in Sarah's disappearance. Season 6,...

Private Practice A Step Too Far

A Step Too Far At Violet's book-launch party, Sheldon falls for a critic (Alex Kingston) of Violet's book. Meanwhile, a woman Addison and...

Private Practice S:6 E:9 | I’m Fine

S:6 E:9 I'm Fine As a new woman brings Sheldon happiness, he also becomes more suspicious about a patient's involvement in Sarah's disappearance. Season 6,...

Private Practice S:4 E:17 | A Step Too Far

S:4 E:17 A Step Too Far At Violet's book-launch party, Sheldon falls for a critic (Alex Kingston) of Violet's book. Meanwhile, a woman Addison and...

Murder S:4 E 14 Les dernières heures

S:4 E 14 The Day Before He Died La police fait une importante découverte en lien avec l'affaire de Simon ; Annalise et ses étudiants...