Nagasaki: The Forgotten Bomb
The use of the atomic bombs in World War II still excites controversy, particularly the necessity for the second bomb...
Episode : Fukushima
Nel marzo del 2011, dopo un forte terremoto, uno tsunami si abbatte sulla centrale nucleare di Fukushima. Un team di esperti...
Episode : Concorde
Crash of the Concorde
Parigi, 25 luglio 2000. Un Concorde si schianta subito dopo il decollo. L'impressione è enorme in tutto il...
Aircraft Carrier Explosion
During the Vietnam War, a misfired rocket started a chain of fires and explosions on board the USS Forrestal, an aircraft...
Asian Tsunami
Recalling the Dec. 26, 2004, South Asian tsunami, which ultimately killed more than 200,000 people and entire communities were destroyed after a...