The Sack
Included: a Chinese astronaut on the moon; a Jewish 007; a Predator first date; life for Popeye without Wimpy; Arnold Schwarzenegger against...
Metal Militia
Young Young Indiana Jones goes on a treasure hunt in school; Rainbow Brite reveals a surprising side; and Montezuma has his revenge.
Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Gary the Stormtrooper reveal untold stories that weave and interconnect throughout all six Star Wars films.,...
Tapping a Hero
Law & Order gets chicken; a Gremlin under the supervision of President Bush wreaks havoc; Jesus confronts his virginity; Smokey the...
Moesha Poppins
A cranky doc's cousin surfaces; Lando serves up humour during a dinner with Darth Vader; a film details events from 1776; outdated...
Toy Meets Girl
A toupee has adventures; heaven isn't what some people expected; a movie tackles history and high-school drama; and a show provides...