Movies & TvShows By :

Stu Zicherman

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“A.C.O.D. Adulti complessati originati da divorzio”

Quella di Carter è una tipica famiglia disfunzionale: i suoi genitori non si sopportano più da anni, suo fratello è ossessionato dall'idea di...


In this pointed comedy about a dysfunctional family, a man must revisit childhood scars and spend time with his bitterly divorced parents and...

Síndrome postdivorcio

2013 Comedy,Comedy-Drama,Family Issues Cuando su hermano se compromete, un hombre tiene que revivir las cicatrices de su infancia y pasar tiempo con sus amargados padres divorciados...


In this pointed comedy about a dysfunctional family, a man must revisit childhood scars and spend time with his bitterly divorced parents...

A.C.O.D.: Les enfants du divorce

La famille de Carter est dysfonctionnelle : ses parents ne se supportent plus depuis des années, son frère tente à tout prix...

Hijos de Padres Separados

2013 Comedy,Comedy-Drama,Family Issues Cuando su hermano se compromete, un hombre tiene que revivir las cicatrices de su infancia y pasar tiempo con sus amargados padres divorciados...


In this pointed comedy about a dysfunctional family, a man must revisit childhood scars and spend time with his bitterly divorced parents and their...