Movies & TvShows By :

Su Rynard

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Indagini ad alta quota” Fuoco nella stiva 112

112 Episode : Fuoco nella stiva Fire In The Hold 11 maggio 1996. Il volo della ValuJet 592 è diretto verso Atlanta. Ma subito dopo il...

“Air Disasters” Deadly Myth 113

113 Deadly Myth The crash of a commuter flight leads investigators to a cause known within the industry for years. Q&A : Q: Who are the...

“The Messenger”

The various hazards songbirds face, which has led to a drastic reduction in their population is examined in this engaging documentary. The role...

Расследования авиакатастроф | Коварный лед

Pilot Betrayed 27 декабря 1991 года. Самолет DC-9, которому предстоит выполнить рейс №751 Scandinavian Airlines, борется со снегом и слякотью на покрытой гудроном...

Mayday: Catástrofes aéreas S:12 E:2 Fuego en la bodega

S:12 E:2 Vuelo 592 de ValuJet DC-9 11 de mayo de 1996 Con destino a Atlanta en un viejo DC-9, la tripulación del vuelo...

Mayday: Catástrofes aéreas S:12 E:8 La muerte del Presidente

S:12 E:8 Death of the President A pesar de ser el medio de transporte más seguro del mundo, todo tiene sus fallos. Conócelo todo sobre...

Indagini ad alta quota Motori in fiamme

Pilot Betrayed Stoccolma, il volo 751 della Scandinavian Airlines viene sbrinato due volte per garantire la sicurezza, ma poco dopo il decollo, entrambi...


A middle-aged pathologist (Mimi Kuzyk) takes an emotional journey into her past to learn about the experimental heart operation she underwent as a baby,...