Movies & TvShows By :

Teresa Hannigan

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Rookie Blue” Tu sei qui 410

410 Episode : Tu sei qui You Are Here Andy, Nick e Gail indagano su uno strano caso di omicidio. Intanto, Swarek, Oliver, Chris e Dov...

“Rookie Blue” Giorno di trasloco 59

59 Episode : Giorno di trasloco Moving Day Andy e Chloe trovano un uomo in fin di vita durante una missione, portando alla luce una pericolosa...

“Rookie Blue” Moving Day 59

59 Moving Day Andy and Chloe find a severely beaten man while helping tenants move out of a subsidised housing complex that's slated for demolition,...

“Rookie Blue” You Are Here 410

410 You Are Here Police drama following the lives of five police officers from 15 Division in Toronto, Canada, who have not long graduated from...

Les recrues de la 15e S:4 E:10 | Présent !

S:4 E:10 You Are Here Alors qu'elle supervisait une simple affaire de drogue, Traci se retrouve chargée d'élucider son premier meurtre. Un corps a été...

Rookie Blue | Wölfe im Schafspelz

You Are Here Traci arbeitet zusammen mit Detective Steve Peck an ihrem ersten Mordfall. Oliver hat sich nach seiner Trennung eine Hütte gekauft...