A tragic accident shocks Bobby and his family; Uncle Junior's trial begins; Johnny Sack (Vincent Curatola) doesn't find any humor in a joke...
A Return to Normalcy
In the first-season finale, Nucky thinks about how Election Day will change Atlantic City, while Johnny Torrio tries to play...
Chapter 2
Evangelical preacher Sister Alice offers the Dodsons the church's full moral and financial support, much to thedismay of her mother, Birdy. During...
Unidentified Black Male
Gossip about Tony Blundetto (Steve Buscemi) puts Tony Soprano at odds with Johnny Sack (Vincent Curatola); Meadow looks out for her...
Farewell Daddy Blues
The series four finale brings the long-simmering tensions between Narcisse and Chalky, Gillian and Richard, and Nucky and Eli to a...