Movies & TvShows By :

Tom DiCillo

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Law & Order: Criminal Intent” A qualsiasi costo 610

610 Episode : A qualsiasi costo Weeping Willow Due famosi video blogger vengono rapiti mentre stanno mandando in onda su web uno dei loro contributi.Logan e...

“Law & Order: Criminal Intent” Estrema unzione 721

721 Episode : Estrema unzione Last Rites Un sacerdote raccoglie la confessione di un carcerato in punto di morte che si autoaccusa di tre omicidi, attribuiti...

“Chicago Fire” I Walk Away 42

42 I Walk Away Evidence that seems to exonerate Boden may not be enough; Brett and Chili find themselves in a precarious situation., Evidence that...

“Box of Moonlight”

Adrift in the small town of Drip Rock, sensible Al Fountain is freed of the routine and responsibilties of his well-ordered life., In...

“Living in Oblivion”

Satire about an independent filmmaker whose desire to complete a movie is hampered by the egos and insecurities of his fragile cast and...

“Monk” Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy 28

28 Mr. Monk Meets the Playboy A secretary hires Adrian to help prove her boss was murdered - even though he died alone in a...

“Double Whammy”

A cop tries to sort out his personal life while a wave of odd behavior sweeps through his apartment building in this quirky...

“Chicago Fire” Prove It 22

22 Prove It Casey struggles with the effects of Heather's accident; Severide anticipates the next attack from the firehouse's arsonist and goes to Renee about...

“Law & Order: Criminal Intent” Weeping Willow 610

610 Weeping Willow The kidnapping of a popular video blogger (Michelle Trachtenberg) and her boyfriend---which is witnessed live on the Internet---seems suspicious to Logan and...

“Law & Order: Los Angeles” Zuma Canyon 19

19 Zuma Canyon The police investigate crimes in Los Angeles and the offenders are prosecuted., The detectives investigate a massacre during a girl's 15th birthday...