Movies & TvShows By :

William Dear

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“Midnight Stallion”

La famiglia Shephard è pronta a tutto pur di salvare la propria fattoria e la soluzione potrebbe essere uno splendido cavallo selvaggio trovato...

“La leggenda di Mickey Tussler”

Tratto dal romanzo di Frank Nappi "The Legend of Mickey Tussler", il film racconta la vita privata e professionale di un giocatore di...

“Balloon Farm”

A man proves that hope can grow in the flintiest of soil in this made-for-TV drama for the family. A farming community is...

“School of Life”

A hip junior-high history teacher's unorthodox methods make learning fun, but trouble a straitlaced science instructor gunning for a Teacher of the Year...

“Santa Who?”

The Jolly One suffers from amnesia after taking a spill from his sleigh, and the man who finds him assumes that Santa's a...

“Free Style”

An aspiring motocross driver must choose between following his aspirations to become a national champion or stay at home to aid his family...

“The Wannabes” Break Dance 23

23 Break Dance Andrew is put in charge of the spring dance but forgets to book a band. Q&A : Q: Who are the main cast...

“The Foursome”

Four friends reconnect on the golf course during their 20-year college reunion. Kevin Dillon., The change that passing years can bring become more...

“Amazing Stories” Mummy, Daddy 14

14 Mummy, Daddy An actor who's playing a mummy in a horror film learns that his wife has gone into labour and rushes to be...

“Wild America”

Armed with a 16mm camera, the Stouffer boys leave their Arkansas home in a bid to capture on film the endangered species native...