Movies & TvShows By :

William Friedkin

Profession : Director

List of Tv Shows & Movies :

“CSI: Scena del crimine” Astro Quest 920

920 Episode : Astro Quest A Space Oddity Durante una convention dedicata alla serie televisiva "Astro Quest", un uomo viene ucciso, dopo il tentativo di mettere...


Regan inizia a mostrare segni di squilibrio mentale. Nonostante sia atea, la madre, l'attrice MacNeil, decide di ricorrere al padre gesuita Karras. Questi,...

“Regole d’onore”

Durante una missione nello Yemen il colonnello dei marine Terry Childers dà l'ordine di aprire il fuoco sui dimostranti armati. Più di ottanta...

“CSI: Scena del crimine” La maschera 918

918 Episode : La maschera Mascara Silvia, un'ex studentessa di Langston, viene assassinata. Le indagini portano al mondo del wrestling e Ray scopre che Silvia stava...

“CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” Cockroaches 89

89 Cockroaches A man's body is thrown from a garbage truck that is being chased by the police. The victim was a limo driver connected...

“Blue Chips”

Pete Bell, a college basketball coach is under a lot of pressure. His team aren't winning and he cannot attract new players. The...

“CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” A Space Oddity 920

920 A Space Oddity Las Vegas-based forensic drama. When a science fiction star is murdered at a convention, the CSI team interrogate an assortment of...

“Killer Joe”

In this shocking black comedy, desperate drug dealer Chris (Emile Hirsch) hires a hit man named Killer Joe (Matthew McConaughey) to murder his...

“Tales from the Crypt” On a Dead Man’s Chest 43

43 On a Dead Man's Chest Tia Carrere stars in "On a Dead Man's Chest," about a tattoo. Directed by William Friedkin ("The Exorcist"). Q&A :...


An undercover policeman looks for a Manhattan killer who preys on homosexuals., Thriller in which Al Pacino stars as a New York cop...