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Political Disasters

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Political Disasters, the first (chronologically) or last (in production order) film of Zach Horton’s “Disaster Trilogy,” follows two families with dubious ties over the course of five years: 1999-2003. Jim (Tim DeKay), a consummate businessman and expert liar, is enlisted by his employer Michael (Michael Bryan French) to fix his “familial static,” caused by his racist, isolated mother (Barbara Bain) and martyr-in-search-of-a-cause daughter (Paulie Rojas). Jim has more than enough on his own familial plate, however, as he spirals into an existential crisis after cheating–on his mistress. As George W. Bush takes the helm of the U.S. Government and the War On Terror invades the airwaves, the domestic disasters pile up faster than you can pull that voting booth lever.
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