Skeletal Fitness by Mirabai Holland is a 1 hour Bone Loading video to help combat osteoporosis by leading exercise expert; Mirabai Holland; M.F.A. Bones are living tissue and become more dense with exercise. Studies show that tennis players; through repeated practice; will develop thicker; stronger bones in their racquet arm than in their other arm. This process is called bone loading. Skeletal Fitness by Mirabai Holland is a comprehensive bone loading program for the whole body; with special emphasis on the areas at risk for osteoporotic fracture: the spine; thigh bone at the hip; and forearm at the wrist.Skeletal Fitness by Mirabai Holland video includes: A one-on-one total body bone loading workout.Plus 2 Updated information sections packed with important facts and illustrations about your bones and Osteoporosis.Creator of Skeletal Fitness by Mirabai Holland Mirabai says; “We can prevent and help reverse the effects of osteoporosis by working out our bones. Evidence clearly points to weight bearing exercise as a protector and developer of bone mass. Astronauts on the Gemini and Skylab missions experienced significant bone loss in the weightlessness of space and studies with patients confined to hospital beds showed significant bone loss as well.Evidence seemed to indicate that the greater the force placed on bones; the greater the bone density development.But each person is different; and you shouldn’t try to determine a course of prevention and treatment on your own. Consult with your doctor; get all the information you can; together you can decide what’s best for you And remember its never to early or too late to start taking care of your bones.