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Freestyle: A Polish Action Movie on Netflix streaming online

Freestyle is a story about a struggling rap singer. He performs on the streets and also has a criminal past. He wants to make a debut album. But his financial situation is not that sound, so he cannot pursue his dream.

To arrange money for the recording of his album, the singer gets involved in a dangerous drug deal.

The whole situation takes a turn when the drug deal goes wrong and creates problems for the rapper.

Watch the trailer now!

The movie is directed by Maciej Bochniak. And the story if the movie is written by Maciej Bochniak and Slawomir Shuty.

Maciej Bochniak, Michal Sikorski, and Nel Kaczmarek are in the lead roles in this movie.

The movie is releasing on Netflix on September 13, 2023.

Genre: action, adventure, music

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