Blind Faith
Un uomo muore in un incidente. Anne ne constata la morte ma dopo pochi minuti l’uomo ritorna in vita. La donna è sconvolta e racconta l’episodio a MacLeod il quale riconosce nell’immortale un antico nemico….
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Highlander “Cieco destino ?
A: The main cast includes Adrian Paul,Dave Cameron,Conrad Dunn,Lisa Howard,Richard Lynch.
Q: When Did the “Highlander” Cieco destino Released?
A: The Episode “Highlander” Cieco destino originally aired on 1995-02-18.
Q: In which year the Highlander released in?
A: The Highlander is released in 1995.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Highlander” Cieco destino?
A: Is also available in Italian language.
Q: Where to watch “Highlander” Cieco destino ?
A: “Highlander” Cieco destino No Info Available with us.