La storia di Albert Jucker e di sua moglie si intreccia con quella del giovane Mani, cresciuto senza il padre, nella strada in cui vivono, ossia la Oberstadtgass, a Zurigo.
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Oberstadtgass ” ?
A: The main cast includes Schaggi Streuli,Margrit Rainer,Jürg Grau,Armin Schweizer,Emil Hegetschweiler,Walter Roderer,Georges C. Stilly,René Martinet,Schaggi Streuli,Hans Mehringer,Kurt Früh.
Q: When Did the “Oberstadtgass” Released?
A: The Movie “Oberstadtgass” originally aired on .
Q: In which year the Oberstadtgass released in?
A: The Oberstadtgass is released in 1956.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Oberstadtgass” ?
A: Is also available in Italian language.
Q: Where to watch “Oberstadtgass” ?
A: “Oberstadtgass” No Info Available with us.