The series is set in Japan, and in the early Edo period, combatants took part in gladiatorial battles. These battles are held in the arena, where wealthy businessmen hire gladiators to take part in combat and win all the fights for their financial gains.
Ohma Ashura Tokita is hired by an employee of the Nogi Group to fight on behalf of the company’s chairman. Ashura gets proper training for fighting provided by the company. He wins all the fights with his power and strength.
In the second season, Ashura will show his power and strength in the arean. With new tricks and techniques, he will show his immense power and knowledge about marital arts.
The series is inspired by a Japanese manga named Kengan Ashura, written by Yubako Sandrovich.
Voice-overs of characters in Japanese are done by Tatsuhisa Suzuki, Chō, Jouji Nakata, Hayato Kaneko, Tetsu Inada, Junya Enoki, and Daisuke Namikawa.
The English voiceovers are done by Kaiji Tang, Keith Silverstein, Michael C. Pizzuto, Erika Harlacher, Jonah Scott, Jake Green, Bryce Papenbrook, and Todd Haberkorn.
The series is directed by Seiji Kishi. And the story of the series is written by Makoto Uezu and Gō Zappa.
The second season of Kengan Ashura series will premiere on September 21, 2023 on Netflix.
Genre: anime, martial arts