In this drama, Ben O’Connor (Lee Majors) is a retired Secret Service agent who uses his skills as a poker player to win a fortune in Las Vegas. O’Connor decides to use his newly won wealth to bankroll a nightclub with two of his best friends, and when the son of a fellow Secret Service operative (Michael Dudikoff) comes aboard to help, O’Connor and company soon have one of the most successful nightspots around. However, their success soon attracts the sort of attention they neither want or need, and soon the “musketeers” are doing battle with mobsters who want to turn the club into a gambling den., Three buddies open up a music club but run into trouble with a greedy businessman who wants to build a casino nearby. Lee Majors, Michael Dudikoff, Sylvie Varakine, Martin Neufeld, Daniel Pilon, Sabine Karsenti.
Musketeers Forever
Year Released:
EnglishStreaming Date :
07-02-2006Directed By :
Georges ChamchoumTrending / Upcoming
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