The guys are determined to track down a huge, fast-breeding snake they call the Mother Burm, who lurks in a derelict aquaculture facility., The team tries to track down a massive female python, nicknamed Mother Burm, in the Everglades., The charismatic Python Hunters embark on another a risky mission to stop over 10,000 Burmese invaders., The hunters are determined to track down a massive fast-breeding snake they call the Mother Burm, who lurks in a derelict aquaculture facility., Hoping to put a serious dent in the invasive snake population, the guys are determined to track down a massive breeding machine – a legend they call the Mother Burm. She could weigh a hundred pounds and be as long as 16 feet. And since her home is a 4,500-acre property in the Everglades, finding her won’t be easy. With its abandoned buildings and pools, a derelict aquaculture facility provides the ideal snake habitat. The guys find telltale Burmese python tracks and, after rigging up an infrared camera, return to ground zero again and again, eventually taking their search underground. And when they finally spot a massive gator at the water’s edge, Greg comes up with a theory about a turf battle.
Python Hunters Mother of All Snakes
Year Released:
EnglishStreaming Date :
2011-05-20Mins :
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