After saving a nun from three marauding bandits, loner Hogan teams up with her to blow up a Mexican fort. A lighter western for Eastwood after the Dollars trilogy., Whimsical but engaging western about a drifter who saves a woman from a gang of marauders. To his amazement she turns out to be a nun, and he has another surprise when he catches her smoking a cigar and knocking back the whisky. The unlikely pair embark on a voyage of discovery as they become embroiled in the Mexican War., Sara (Shirley MacLaine) is the hooker who poses as a nun in this tepid comedy. Stripped by bandits, Hogan (Clint Eastwood) is the heroic gunman who rescues her and is recruited to see her safely through the desert. Foremost on her mind is the protection of a gold cross coveted by villains. Hogan stoically protects her as the unlikely duo make their way through dangerous territory. Comedy ensues when the two share the same horse and some embarrassing situations. Hogan seems to be the only one who does not know Sara is not really a nun. Initially given an M rating, the easily passed as a family film not long after the initial release., A tough drifter comes to the aid of a most unusual nun on her way to Mexico., A cowboy rescues a nun in Mexico, and escorts her to a camp full of anti-French revolutionaries. Later, the unlikely duo teams up with the Juaristas to destroy the French fortifications., Clint Eastwood and Shirley MacLaine star in this yarn about a nun and a mercenary caught up in the late 1860s Mexican Revolution., Western adventure with a comedic twist set in 1860s Mexico. When a drifter saves a woman from rape by a group of bandits, to his amazement she turns out to be a nun who smokes cigars and knocks back whisky. Forming an unlikely alliance, it turns out that neither of them are who they seem and that both of them are making their way through the desert to help the Mexican freedom fighters resist the French., Whimsical but engaging western about a drifter who saves a woman from a gang of marauders. The cowboy is astonished to learn that the woman is a nun, especially when he witnesses her heavy drinking and cigar-smoking ways. The unlikely pair embark on a voyage of discovery as they become embroiled in the Mexican War., Whimsical but engaging western about a drifter who saves a woman from a gang of marauders. The cowboy is astonished to learn that the woman is a nun, especially when he witnesses her heavy drinking and cigar-smoking ways.