Netflix originals

Murdaugh Murders season 2: A Southern Scandal, A Crime-based docuseries streaming on Netflix

The series follows the story of the Murdaugh family, who are a prominent family in South Carolina. A fatal boating accident begins the unravelling...

Kengan Ashura, Season 2: A Netflix original martial arts anime series

The series is set in Japan, and in the early Edo period, combatants took part in gladiatorial battles. These battles are held in the...

Sex Education, Season 4: the most-awaited British teen comedy drama series on Netflix

Sex education follows the story of a high school student named Otis. He doesn't have much experience in the matter of love, but he...

The Club: Part 2, A Turkish Period Drama Series Streaming on Netflix

The story of the series is set in Istanbul, Turkey, during the 1950s. It was a time when Turkey was going through a transformative...

Miseducation: South African comedy-drama Series on Netflix

The story of the series revolves around a young woman named Mbali Hadebe. It's a story where the young woman tries to become a...

Gangs of Oslo: A Norwegian Crime-Based Series Streaming on Netflix.

The series follows the story of a cop named Moaz. Moaz was recently transferred to a suburb on the eastern side of Oslo. He had...


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