Aspiring Pakistani filmmaker Hasan (Shahbaz Shigri) pines for his beautiful neighbor Aisha while drifting around Islamabad with his friends and struggling to begin...
"1981 release film which revolves around the freedom struggle of India against the British government. Stars: Raj Babbar, Kalpana Iyer, Shakti Kapoor. Director:...
Sparks fly when an extended Punjabi Indian family gathers for a four-day celebration in preparation for an arranged marriage., Award-winning filmmaker Mira Nair...
Comedy, starring Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham, Priyanka Chopra, Bobby Deol, Kiron Kher, Boman Irani and others., Abhishek Bachchan, Priyanka Chopra, and John Abraham...
Bollywood bad-boy Salman Khan stars in screenwriter/director Shirish Kunder's romantic tale of two men who share an intense love the same woman, but...
Director Punit Malhotra's larger-than-life romantic dramedy takes place in the fictional Saint Teresa's College. Rohan (Tiger Shroff), a new student, sets his sights...