Three bandits on the run in the Arizona desert discover a dying woman and her baby, and promise the mother they’ll see that the infant makes it to civilization. Three bandits on the run in the Arizona desert discover a dying woman and her baby, and promise the mother they’ll see that the infant makes it to civilization., Three outlaws risk their lives to rescue a small child left abandoned in the desert. John Ford directed John Wayne in this touching drama, based on the Biblical Three Wise Men’s story, which Ford had filmed before in the silent era., Unusual Old West adventure about a trio of bandits who stumble across a dying woman in labour in the desert. Sacrificing their freedom, they resolve to deliver the baby safely to the nearest town – New Jerusalem., Three outlaws on the run discover a dying woman and her baby. They swear to bring the infant to safety across the desert, even at the risk to their own lives., Three bandits on the run in the Arizona desert discover a dying woman and her baby, and promise the mother they’ll see that the infant makes it to civilization., Three outlaws risk their lives to rescue a small child left abandoned in the desert. John Wayne, Ward Bond and Harry Carey Jnr star in this touching feature.