This bittersweet comedy-drama follows an 83-year-old WWII veteran (Benjamin Whitrow) as he attempts to atone for past sins by revisiting Germany as an old man and realizes that traveling with his son may be just as trying as his time spent in the army., Shane Taylor, Benjamin Whitrow, and Eileen Nicholas star in writer/producer/director Paul Cotter’s bittersweet family drama tracing one veteran’s efforts to make amends for the destruction he caused during World War II. Lovelorn art school graduate Ross is still down in the dumps when his eighty three year old father announces plans for a family road trip to Germany. Back in the war, Ross’ father accidentally bombed a small German town. He’s regretted the mistake ever since, and now he’s determined to visit the town and offer a formal apology. But getting to Germany won’t be easy, because it’s been years since father and son have exchanged a kind word. Along the way, father and son both learn some important lessons that will help them to be better, more compassionate people in the future.
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Bomber ” ?
A: The main cast includes Shane Taylor,Benjamin Whitrow,Eileen Nicholas,Jeremy Zimmerman,Manuel Puro,Paul Cotter,Linda Cohen,Rick Siegel,Matt Maddox,Alex Ward.
Q: When Did the “Bomber” Released?
A: The Movie “Bomber” originally aired on 2013-04-19 and released in the year of 2009.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Bomber” ?
A: Is also available in eng language.
Q: Where to watch “Bomber” ?
A: “Bomber” is Avaiable on Netflix. as its Netflix Originals.