Sweet Lambo of Mine
Former Guns ‘n Roses guitarist DJ Ashba wants his 2004 Lamborghini Murcielago turned into the ultimate “mancar,” and Danny plans something special for DJ’s wife., Former Guns ‘n Roses guitarist DJ Ashba wants his 2004 Lamborghini Murcielago turned into the ultimate “mancar,” and Danny plans something special for DJ’s wife. Meanwhile, Ryan and Paulie find a classic Corvette that looks great on the outside, but is a mess on the inside., Former Guns ‘n Roses guitarist DJ Ashba wants his 2004 Lamborghini Murcielago turned into the ultimate “mancar”, and Danny plans something special for DJ’s wife. Meanwhile, Ryan and Paulie find a classic Corvette that looks great on the outside, but is a mess on the inside.