Lane Miserables
Jane (voice of Wendy Hoopes) suffers through too much family togetherness even as Helen (voice of Wendy Hoopes) frets about her own clan’s lack of communication in this episode of the animated MTV series Daria. All at once, the far-flung members of the Lane family converge in Lawndale: photographer patriarch Vincent, oft-married son Wind, sullen Costa Rican refugee Penny, and harried mom Summer. These re-arrivals cause no end of grief for Jane and Trent (voice of Alvaro J. Gonzalez), but their hippy mother, Amanda, just goes with the flow, so the youngest two Lane siblings flee to the Morgendorffer home. There, Helen and Jake (voice of Julian Rebolledo) try to interrogate Jane about their children’s state of mind, while Trent’s presence makes the crush-stricken Daria (voice of Tracy Grandstaff) antsy. Quinn (voice of Wendy Hoopes) helps Daria realize that Trent probably isn’t good long-term relationship material, but then a casually flirtatious comment from Trent sends Daria’s mind reeling again. Eventually Amanda Lane turns up, having had enough of her own family, so Helen helps her concoct a plot to send the various relatives packing and allow Jane and Trent to return home., The sudden return of Jane’s family makes for a crowded house at chez Lane, forcing Daria to come to her friend’s aid., All the prodigal Lanes come home at once, forcing Jane to temporarily move in with Daria.