The film revolves around Vishwa, a youngster living in New York with his brother and sister-in-law. He meets Ria, daughter of a business tycoon, and they fall in love. His life changes forever when he comes across a gang dealing in human trafficking.
Q&A :
Q: Who are the main cast members in “Dhada ” ?
A: The main cast includes Naga Chaitanya,Kajal Agarwal,Kelly Dorji,Rahul Dev,Eijaz Khan,Srikanth,Devi Sri Prasad,Ajay Bhuyan.
Q: When Did the “Dhada” Released?
A: The Movie “Dhada” originally aired on 2011-08-11 and released in the year of 2011.
Q: What Languages are available to watch “Dhada” ?
A: Is also available in eng language.
Q: Where to watch “Dhada” ?
A: “Dhada” is Avaiable on Netflix. as its Netflix Originals.